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Cisco VPN Client 5.x / Windows 7

나의나된것은 2014. 3. 7. 16:42

Cisco VPN Client 프로그램을 실행하는데, 화면에 나오지 않는 문제.

해결 방법은 (알트 탭으로 활성화하고, 윈도우키 누른 상태에서 오른쪽 방향키를 누르면 됩니다.)

Windows 7

  1. Hold the Alt key, press Tab key until the VPN Client window is highlighted. Release Alt.
  2. Hold the Windows key and press the right arrow key once. This should bring the window back on screen.

Windows XP

  1. Alt-tab to the Cisco window2.    
  2. Press Alt+Space.
  3. Press M.
  4. Press any Arrow key.
  5. Move the mouse. The window position should now follow the mouse cursor.

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